Tuesday, November 24, 2009

My new lamp

There's no end, now that I have my new table that I bought in Red Bay AL,then I needed a lamp to sit on the table. So last Saturday afternoon I took off by myself to find a lamp. Well you know me I wasn't buying a new one if I could help it or an expensive one.
The night before we went past a Goodwill Store so I asked Dad how to get there the easy way. So he told me and away I went. The traffic is terrible as you can see. They have a lot of expressways and even 3 tiers of roads. It is not easy to get across all these busy highways, especially for an old lady, but maybe that helps, I crossed a lot of them and nobody run over me. Well when I went out the gate of our park I got mixed up and went the wrong way. I walked and walked and was not finding the store. So I stopped and asked a nice young man and he got me headed in the right direction. Well I was getting tired so decided to take a shortcut. It wasn't but I found a garage sale and here was my lamp for 6.oo, she thought I wasn't going to take it so she brought it down to 5.00, but I was really catching my breath. Anyhow she got me started towards the Goodwill store. The one lady even offered to drive me there, I said no I'll be alright. Guess what after crossing all the busy highways again I finally made it. They had nothing it was pretty bad in there. You'll never believe where the store is right across from our park, but it has trees in front of it so it is hard to see. But I made it home safe, kinda of tired. The Lord must not be finished with me the way He takes care of me. The last thing Dad said before I left on my journey was be careful Honey and don't get lost! I wasn't going to tell him but it was too good to keep. It's not like I went in the men's restroom, which I've done many times. This is my favorite cactus too.

This our RV park where we are and the watertower is at the end of the street.

See these highways I wasn't kidding about them. I read in the paper down here you should walk 10,000 steps a day if you want to lose weight well my trip didn't help.
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