Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Well I goofed again this picture was supposed to be on the blog instead of the picture of the Red Dog Saloon. Anyhow Juneau is hemmed in by Mount Juneau, Mount Roberts and Mendenhall Glacier, there are roads within the borough, but you can't drive to Juneau from someplace else. Access is strictly by air or sea.

This is the famous Red Dog Saloon , there is saw dust on the floor. All types of animals mountd on the walls. Posters and signs everywhere. Lowell liked the one about the cooks, No cook had ever been killed for their cooking, but a few were hung. I liked the one that said "If our service doesn't meet your standards then lower your standards". I think there is more jewelery stores than any thing else. Juneau is the first stop going back the inside passage.
We wanted to take the tram up Mount Roberts but it was so foggy you couldn't see 1/4 of the way up.
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