Wednesday, November 11, 2009


All good things must come to an end. We are back in Seattle, WA. The ship has already docked and we are getting ready to depart. Go through customs and all that good stuff. The ship has side thrusts, to dock they thrust the side of the ship into the dock. So we don't use the cute little tugboats that I always liked so well. This little tug brought out the fuel to load the ship so it could continue on south. It made it's last trip to Alaska for 2009. The boat pulling the rope keeps any oil from spilling. We will board the buses for the airport. Our luggage was already sent ahead to the airport, we splurged and used the express service. We thought it was well worth the $19.00 apiece. No lifting for Lowell and trying to get all the luggage on the right bus with us. After all if it was late getting home who cares, nobody wants 2 suitcases of dirty clothes. I really didn't either. We were just praying that the Lord had taken care of our motorhome in Greenville OH and He did.

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