Monday, July 21, 2008

Split Rock Lighthouse

Items found in the keepers home. My mother had one of these when I was a kid. Identical to ours that I used.

This is a Favorite Stove we told the lady there it was made inPiqua OH and she said yes it was. The water was in the open end and that was how we had warm water to wash our hands or take a spit bath.
At least they had music, it was a very lonely life. These are sheds that was on there property.
That's all for tonight! The camera is empty. Ready for tomorrow. We went thru 2 tunnels going and coming I tried to get a picture of them but they were the pits. The traffic is really heavy on this 2 lane highway.
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Anonymous said...

Baw ah, kasagad sa imo maghimo blog. Nalingaw gd ko basa.

Anonymous said...

Katon, Goukakyu no jutsu.