Sunday, July 20, 2008

Lake Superior

Beautiful pictures of the lake. We were taking a ride on the scenic road and stopped to take a pcture or two.
When you go north out of Duluth I35 stops and you have a 2 lane highway Rt 61. So we took the scenic 61 and saw where the Knife River flows into Superior.
There are so many campers up here we are having trouble getting a campsite. We stayed in a rest area for two nights it was posted no longer than six hours. They didn't run us out. We had no phone service so nobody knew where we were. They had no electric either so it was quiet and neat.

These are some condos in the little town of Knife River. They were having a music festival Sat and Sun so we thought we would go. Well they wanted 20.00 each, they said it was for all day, well you guessed it we being frugal (cheap) we left and took some more pictures,
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