Monday, July 21, 2008

Gooseberry, Superior &Split Rock

The flowers were in bloom and just too pretty.
Lowell's handiwork with the camera. Isn't he good. Well I think so and I better I can't drive like he does, but he can't cook like I do either. I guarantee you we would eat out more!!!
The lighthouse keeper. We watched a movie when we first got here and it was so interesting. It had nothing to do with us being wiped out from the Gooseberry Falls. Ha Ha. Wish I could tell you how it all came about the only thing I know for sure was there were a lot of shipwrecks here on the rocks. They decided they needed a lighhouse. They had it built 168 feet up on top of the rocks. Everything came in by boat to build it.
The lights came from kerosene. It is a beautiful lighthouse.
Talk about building your house on a rock. This one has quite a foundation.
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