Sunday, July 20, 2008

More goodbys and hello IA

Grandma Bissett came over befor we left and brought Cory, Amanda and Ashley with her.

The two posers. Grandpa always tells them to look natural and I do believe this is natural. I was so mad, Matt and Molly came up to tell us goodby and I forgot to take there pictures. They had to work the next day and get up early so they couldnt stay long. Sorry Matt and Molly.
The happy Leesa in her new kitchen. Their home is beautiful. I think she is going to need a cleaning lady. The home is quite large but they entertain a lot. They need a big home.
Here's Heather and her happy Grandpa sitting around our old oak table. Leesa and Bob just love having it and it looks good with their hardwood floor.
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