Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Shipwreck Tour

These are caves in the picture rocks along the shoreline.

Storm coming in as we are headed for shore and we will be headed for home. We are pooped again.
Hope you enjoyed, we sure did.
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Shipwreck Tour

Continuing on our way to the third shipwreck. No Nest!

This is the scow schooner and it is 200 years old. They don't know much about it except it's age by the way it is made. Never determined the type of cargo it had on it if any. We thought it went down within a 100 yards of the shore. They acidently found it while taking a group on tour. Somebody happened to see it when the tour boat went over it.

More picture rocks.
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Shipwreck Tour

They call these the Picture Rocks. Maybe this is where the Bald Eagle nest is. Keep looking I am.

More picture rocks.

These photos are of the Herman Hettler and they didn't tell us to much about this cargo ship, except it is old. Iam too and I guess I should take a tape recorder because I can't remember. There was the captains bathtub and head but LJ couldn't get them all it was hard, but he did a good job. I think I'm going to start taking the pics then he can do the blog! You can vote on this .
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Shipwreck Tour

On our way to the next ship wreck. I think this was where the Bald Eagle had a nest. Good luck!
East Harbor lighthouse coming up.

This the east harbor lighthouse, no longer in operation. This is on the Grand Island the ship wrecks are all around this island. The lighthouse keeper lived here for 40 years and raised 2 kids here. Some organization has restored it. See the rusty boat on the bank beside it.
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Shipwreck tour

The shore line of beautiful Lake Superior.

Sometimes we were so close to shore when we were viewing the shipwrecks. It was sad to see how close they were to making it.
This is the Bermuda a cargo ship. We think it was the 1800's. But it cost 8900.00, that I remember.
Lowell took these pictures. Aren't they neat I think so.
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Sipwreck Tour in Munising MI

No for the thousandeth time you can't go on the tour!

This is the Fireball, we rode on to see the shipwrecks.
We went to the Bermuda first, then the Herman Hettler and the scow schooner. The Smith Moore you have to visit by deep sea diving. It is too deep for us to see from the glass botom boat.
We didn't miss the boat this time! It quit raining by the time we took the trip.
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Presque Isle & Marquette

See the railroad cars loaded with coal on top of the crib.
A better shot of the Herbert E Jackson, sure was nice of him to schedule his pick up so we could watch, even if it was raining.

This is the football field, ice arena, etc. at NMU. Everything is in this building as for as sports are concerned.
Flowers along the streets in Marquette, we can see why our grandaughter loves it so much up here. with Lake Superior all along the shoreline.
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Presque Isle

Let's see if we can get across the border here, we've left enough you know what here.
Lighthouse on Presque Isle. It was pooring down rain so hard we were lucky to get this.
We had no trouble doing this!
This is the Herbert E Jackson taking on a load of coal.
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Marquette MI

Small Island in Lake Superior at Marquette MI
Lighthouse at Marquette
College students on summer break from NMU. This is for Molly B.
Marina on Presque Isle in Marquette, with the loading crib for the big ships in the background.
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Monday, July 28, 2008


These are where the big ships pull in here and are loaded or unloaded.

A close up they took our cruise ship in one of these.

These are for our race car fans. We overheard somebody say this is a race car simulator. You think you are really driving the car.
We are headed for Marquette MI tomorrow AM.
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