Monday, March 3, 2008

Windy Day at the Beach

The little red boat is what they call a pilot boat. Now you know as much as I do. No I don't know what it does. But the wind was so bad it blew sand on us so bad we couldn't stand it on the beach.

This ship came through the channel but there were 7 ships waiting at the end of the channel and we finally came back. We never did find out what they were waiting on. I told Dad they were like truck drivers and they all wanted to run together.
We tried to get the waves slapping the sea wall but didn't do a very good job.
They don't call these sea gulls but that's what they look like. You can't tell but the wind was ruffling their feathers. We watched the pelicans trying to fly and they went sideways.
We just gave up and went home after we had sand blowing in the car.
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