Thursday, March 13, 2008

Aransas Wildlife Refuge

These were white tailed deer, they were just strolling across the road in front of us. They were so pretty. We saw another bunch at the entrance building but we couldn't get their picture.
This is an egret sitting in a tree just looking in the pond. Maybe there was an alligator down there but we couldn't see him. You know alligators they eat anything they want, but they can't climb trees.
This is another egret they are very plentiful.
No kids this is not a dog. This is either a wild hog or a javelina. They really resemble each other. Both extremely ugly. I guess the wild hog when he runs his tail stands straight out. We saw another one of these creatures but he was in the underbrush and we couldn't get his picture either, but if you've see one you seen them all. There are Bobcats, raccoons, weasels, skunks, pocket gophers, (Clinton I think they are plain prairie dogs) jackrabbits, eastern rabbits, swamp rabbits and a lot of other animals.
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