Thursday, March 13, 2008

Aransa Wild Refuge

This is a side view of the javelina or wild hog and off into the brush. You can see the paths along the road where they go back in the brush.
This is a big fat squirrel eating berries in the tree. We were on our way up the forty foot walkway to the observation tower. He was still eating in the same spot when we came back down.
This is the view from the observation tower of San Antonio Bay. There were 3 whooping cranes on the island out there. We could see them with Grandpa's good binoculars. So I took a picture so you would know we saw some. The whooping crane is an endangered specie. We have a flyer on how they are teaching them how to fly after the eggs are hatched. We met some people from Wisconsin that live next door to this training that goes on. We tried to scan the flyer but don't have our disk for the scanner with us. We will bring it home if you want to read it. All whooping cranes have bands on both legs.
This is what they make Texas chili out of. A nine banded armadillo. We saw a bunch of these, but liked this picture the best because it shows his ears. I saw a turtle too, but Grandpa said I couldn't count him because he didn't see him. It was a real neat day we learned more about our winter home. Hope you great grandkids enjoyed this. Just wish it was closer to us, it is 40 some miles from here.
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1 comment:

Sandy Lewis said...

WOW, you have some awesome pictures of the animals. I'm glad you got to see so many of them. You found more than we did. Seems like you must have enjoyed the spot. I know we surely did. We didn't see the Javelina, or such a great view of the gator, or deer either. We did see a gray fox tho and I guess that is pretty rare to see during the daytime. Enjoyed your pictures. Thanks for sharing.
Sandy Lewis (neighbor at Rockport)