Saturday, March 29, 2008

Our finale befor leaving Tuesday

We finally got a picture of a dolphin, this is the only one we could get for you grandkids.
This big ship was going thru while we were getting on the ferry.

This is a smaller service boat coming across where we cross on the ferry.
Well we have to get the laundry done and our home clean befor we leave on Tuesday. Probably won't be a lot on the blog as we are headed to MO, then to IA and home for Molly's graduation.
We are so thankful for the wonderful time we have had. Thanks for letting us share with you.
Thought for the day "You don't need to know where you are going if you know the One who does".
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Our last trip to the beach till next year

Big ship going thru the channel.

Three boys having a mud fight on the beach and it was really rough in the gulf.

This is our car wash we use this to rinse the sand and salt water off

We ate a sandwich at the Fin restruant and we ate outside. Lowell took a picture of the harbor. This close to the ferry.
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The last of spring break really

This is just one of the pretty kites that people fly here on the beach, each end goes a different direction.

This little sea gull was really hurting he couldn't stand it to stand on his bad leg. He just hopped around on one leg. You know who didn't think it was really hurt but I did. He had me convinced. It was pathetic.

We only saw one ship today and here he was a sicky, he had to be towed in by the tug in front of him. We don't know what was wrong with her.

Would you believe we heard this familiar music and looked up and sure enough there he was an ice cream cart. Guess who wouldn't buy me an ice cream, said I didn't need it. I tried the idea that he worked so hard to walk all the way out there and push that cart. You guessed it didn't work.
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The rest of spring break

These are sheephead and they are good eating so we are told. The boy in the black caught them all and he didn't mind having his picture taken.

Just more beautiful gulf.

This is the owners class A and he has these three palm trees decorated with Christmas lights. He doesn't have to pay for his electric so he burns them all night. Kind of rubs it in.
Another beautiful shot of the gulf, do you think we enjoy this?
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Spring Break at Port Aransas

Spring break at Port Aransas

We noticed that our spring breakers were younger and their were parents with some of them too.
The Gulf was really rough but beautiful.
This lab worked so hard. His owner threw a plastic bottle way out in the channel and he or she would bring it back. She or he was really good.
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Sunday, March 16, 2008

Headed to the beach

This is the channel patrol don't you feel good knowing we will be so safe and protected.

This is the rough waters the gulf was really mad today.

The boy scouts were camping overnight and cleaning the beach. Bless their hearts, they were having a good time. Boy if our Girl Scouts could have camped on the beach I'd probably still be a leader.
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Foggy day on the beach

All that bunch did was eat and they had plenty of food to choose from.
The Casino boat left again without us, we are going to try and go Wednesday if it is pretty.
This is the little tug doing the pulling and the bottom one is pushing thru the channel. The ships blew their fog horns, love that sound.
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The foggy day and the spring breakers

This ship is being towed thru the foggy channel it was different and really neat.

You talk about a chain this is a chain and a half.
This is the spring breakers guess this is all there is. There were a few but not very many. The gulf was really rough. Very high waves but so foggy they didn't show up very good.
Here's one that came from Mexico, love that green!
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The start of a foggy day on the beach

This is the sea wall we were going to walk the sea wall but it was so foggy and windy we couldn't make it. There are spots like this that are in bad shape.
This is the channel where we get the close ups of the ships coming thru the channel, so you can see how foggy it is.
What do you think? I'm trying to get Dad to downsize, I'm tired of all the housework and I think this would be ideal. Let me know!
This is our record breaker Saturday 94 we had a lovely breeze and never run the air conditioner. But you know who didn't seem to mind too much.
We went to the jam session at the rec room and really enjoyed it. Forgot to tell you I went to play bingo and won 1.50, course it cost me 1.25 . Can't beat that.
94 yesterday and 74 today and foggy. Some weather, never know how to dress, terrible problem.
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Thursday, March 13, 2008

Aransa Wild Refuge

This is a side view of the javelina or wild hog and off into the brush. You can see the paths along the road where they go back in the brush.
This is a big fat squirrel eating berries in the tree. We were on our way up the forty foot walkway to the observation tower. He was still eating in the same spot when we came back down.
This is the view from the observation tower of San Antonio Bay. There were 3 whooping cranes on the island out there. We could see them with Grandpa's good binoculars. So I took a picture so you would know we saw some. The whooping crane is an endangered specie. We have a flyer on how they are teaching them how to fly after the eggs are hatched. We met some people from Wisconsin that live next door to this training that goes on. We tried to scan the flyer but don't have our disk for the scanner with us. We will bring it home if you want to read it. All whooping cranes have bands on both legs.
This is what they make Texas chili out of. A nine banded armadillo. We saw a bunch of these, but liked this picture the best because it shows his ears. I saw a turtle too, but Grandpa said I couldn't count him because he didn't see him. It was a real neat day we learned more about our winter home. Hope you great grandkids enjoyed this. Just wish it was closer to us, it is 40 some miles from here.
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Aransas Wildlife Refuge

These were white tailed deer, they were just strolling across the road in front of us. They were so pretty. We saw another bunch at the entrance building but we couldn't get their picture.
This is an egret sitting in a tree just looking in the pond. Maybe there was an alligator down there but we couldn't see him. You know alligators they eat anything they want, but they can't climb trees.
This is another egret they are very plentiful.
No kids this is not a dog. This is either a wild hog or a javelina. They really resemble each other. Both extremely ugly. I guess the wild hog when he runs his tail stands straight out. We saw another one of these creatures but he was in the underbrush and we couldn't get his picture either, but if you've see one you seen them all. There are Bobcats, raccoons, weasels, skunks, pocket gophers, (Clinton I think they are plain prairie dogs) jackrabbits, eastern rabbits, swamp rabbits and a lot of other animals.
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