Sunday, December 5, 2010


This boat is being restored in the boat yard where people work on their own boats. We sure hope he didn't give much for it because it is sure going to cost a lot to restore.

This OLD safe is in the lobby of the bank here in Aransas Pass. We thought it was neat and pretty darn old. The guy at the bank said it was really heavy.

We had a busy week, 13 of us women packed 12 boxes for the soldiers in Afghanistan. The organization is called Soldiers angels. We brought in the stuff, packed them and paid for the shipping. All 12 boxes weighed 150 pounds and each box cost 12.50. One of the women in the park suggested we do this. Guess they don't have personal items at all. It is hard to believe they don't have personal items. We had those boxes tight they didn't rattle or need any packing in them. I said we should know how to squeeze things in tight places, since we all live in small places.
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