Sunday, December 26, 2010


The further the eclispe went the more cloudy it got till we couldn't get the very last of it, but we saw it.

Dad read's this blog on the computer that this 14 yr old girl writes and she is one smart cookie. We printed out her info she had on the eclipse, so if you ever want to learn more about it we have it.
Ayla says and I quote"The precise coincidental phenomenon described hasn't happened since 1638 that's 372 years ago. It won't happen again till 2094". See why I wanted to see it so badly. Remeber this is a December 2010 Winter Solstice Lunar Eclipse. I hope you enjoy these pictures as much as we did seeing it in real life. Just think Galileo was 70 years old when he got to see it!
We had a wonderful Christmas because we have each other and we have so many wonderful family. We are so Blessed and we missed every one so much, but we din't have to worry about the weather or get all wore out.
We pray that all our loved ones will have a Healthy, prosperous and Happy New Year. See you next year!
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