Sunday, December 26, 2010


What away to start off Christmas week. We talked about the total eclipse and I really wanted to see it because I knew I wouldn't be around for the next winter eclipse. I didn't think Dad would be either but I didn'
t tell him you know how synsitive he is about his age. LOL
I woke up at 12:30 didn't want to wake up Dad but I couldn't see the moon from any windows so I had to go out and then I had to come back in and get the camera. Well it is not easy to be quiet going in and out. I tried taking some pictures and it was hard. So Dad came out I told him it was starting. We stayed out for an hour watching it. Our necks got so tired looking streaight up. Dad laid down on my lawn chair since he was taking the pictures. It was really damp and a little cool but it was so neat to be out there together watching another one of our awesome creations that our God did for us. These pictures are not the greatest but for us and our little cheap camera I'm proud of them. It was really cloudy so we didn't get much time to click the pictures but it was a night to remeber for two people like us.
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