Sunday, November 28, 2010

Second week

Boy this week went fast. Can you believe Christmas is a month away. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving, but when you know our precious Lord and Savior every day is Thanksgiving. We are so Thankful that we do. We had a catered dinner and it was OK, I guess. We know if we could have been home what wonderful meals we would have had. We have to admit we have 3 great cooks in our family. Anyhow I made a couple of pumpkin pies and invited a couple couples in to help us eat them. That was as close as we got to a homemade dinner.

Anyhow we had an ice cream social tonight in the den. We look forward to that.
We haven't even got to the beach yet, would you believe.

All the old friends are coming in for the winter and it is good to see them. Some didn't make it one or the other is sick, etc. and that is sad, but when you get to be our age it's no surprise.

Will try to have something better next week, but don't expect to much, remeber our age!!!

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