Sunday, December 12, 2010

2 Weeks till Christmas

Sorry no pictures, the camera is in the car and I forgot to bring it in. Since I'm tired or lazy thought I'd wait till next week to put the pictures in.

We had a busy week again. By the time we get up, take our herbs and get our walks in, the morning is gone. We drove thru Conn Harbor here and they are tearing down the old metal buildings and selling the metal. There wasn't many old shrimp boats like they used to be.

We had some more fish given to us this week. They are sheephead, Dad liked the red fish better. The couple that gave us the sheephead are from Lake Erie, Marblehead to be exact. He loves to fish and they give the fish away. Lucky us, right.

Friday night we had a potluck. Saturday we went hunting for a TV. Sunday we went to church came home and had a banana split party at 2:00 in the den. I went back at 4 to play 99. Came home and made us a bacon and tomato sandwich.

So see how fast our time goes.

See ya next week.

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