Wednesday, September 29, 2010


This is the continued story of the Miami Erie canal that I put on the blog before. According to the Ohio Historical society the Lockington Locks are the most extensive and spectacular series of structure whichexisted on the canal. The lock walls remain in their original condition, changed only by the elements.

When Lowell was taking these pictures he said he would just walk the plank across to the other side. I told him to leave me the camera so I could take a picture of him in the bottom.
These locks were built in 1825 - 1847 and were used till the flood of 1913 shut everything down. They were Ohio's first transportation system

This is the second lock.

Loramie summit(Lockington) was the highest peak in the locks. They are called the Stair Step Locks. They lowered the boats 67 feet in a half mile. The locks were 90 feet long and 15 feet wide. The boats were 32 feet by 14 feet wide. The lock was only 15 so they only had 6 inches on each side. They sure had to keeep the boat on the straight and narrow going thru.
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