Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Went to a public sale Sunday for a couple of old school chums. Then we headed thru Kirkwood and past the stone quarry my folks owned. We crossed the Miami River where the old covered bridge stood and headed for Lockington. I lived along this river when I was little, but that will have to wait till another time.

Lowell lived west of Lockington on the Fessler Buxton road pass the cemetery. This is the Lockington Cemetery where all of our parents are buried. He came into the store when he was little and my mother thought he was the sweetest little boy (maybe it was because she didn't have any boys) she always loved him.

Yours truly lived in 5 different places in Lockington one place twice. The above picture was my first place in Lockington and I helped my Dad build a garage there. I wss the closest thing to a boy he had I was always with him. This house is right along the canal. It didn't look this good when Dad put a grocery store in the front. Then we moved to another place, just around the corner like. It was a grocery store too. It was called Coonies grocery. When my folks moved to Lockington, Coonie told Dad he'd never make it. Well Dad and Mom bought Coonie out. We moved into their house fastened on to the store. It was fancier and bigger. It looks so HORRIBLE Sunday I couldn't take a picture.
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