Wednesday, September 29, 2010


This is the Lock tenders house. It looked pretty good. We knew the peple that lived in this house too. I don't know if they bought the house or not.

During the time when the locks were working the town was quite prosperous. They had Drs, undertakers, post office and of course saloons. They had 2 churches when I was a kid. I wish I could have been a mouse during this era. Old guy in town when I was a kid talked about ice skating all the way to Sidney, Ft Loramie or whereever he wanted to go in the winter time.

When I was a kid we played around the locks, went sliding. We would ride our bikes down the steep slopes. The town would also have movies on the banks. We'd bring blankets and popcorn, I think we had to pay a nickel or dime. That was a real treat.

Well kids I wrote this for you. Thought maybe you might enjoy a little of my childhood. Wish my parents would have told me more about their childhoods. Maybe you won't enjoy it, but the older we get our memories mean a lot to us.

Thought for the day "What a grand world it would be if we could forget our troubles as easily we do our blessings".
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