Wednesday, September 29, 2010


This was the back of the building where we had our grocery store. Couldn't believe my eyes.

Then the folks bought the Ford Dealership garage put a bigger grocery store in it. This house didn't look like this either it was fancy had a furnace and shower in the basement. Our first shower. This was where I lived when we got married. Then we rented a double across the street where Dee was born. We bought the grocery store and I run it while your Dad worked in the factory. We rented the building off the folks and they built a knotty pine SMALL 2 bedroom apartment. Then when I was pregnant with Ersta we sold the store and bought the same double house and moved in there. Ersta was born and we stayed there till we moved to Pleasant Hill where Leesa was born and we stayed there till we started full timing.
Now maybe you understand why we have a soft spot for Lockington. We were in school together this was where your Dad courted me. His Dad said Lowell came in every night and lit the street lamps. We were married here 60 years ago. Lowell's family went to this church too. They tore down the school, closed it when I would have been in the fourth grade. Went to Houston to school. Never got a picture of it like a dummy.

The old fire house was in the Inn on the canal spillway. My Dad helped start the Fire Department and was Fire Chief for I don't how many years.
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