Sunday, September 19, 2010


I am so far behind on our blog. We came home from Lake Erie and spent 4 days at Arbogast but have a refrigerator that works wonderful. Then we decided to give Poor Farmers a try. Well our internet did not work great it was slow. There was no way I could do the blog without losing what little mind I have left.
This is the finished results of the paint job at the store. Sure made it look beautiful, well for an old herb store she looks pretty sharp.
Aunt Tia had a baby shower for Rachel, Daleen's first grandchild. Needless to say this was taken before Lane Edward's was born. Daleen thinks he's beautiful can you imagine.
This was taken after Rob and Cory washed the motor home. It sure looked beautiful, then we waxed it. It took us a few days but it was worth it. It was so dusty at Poor Farmers so we had no choice but to move to St Mary's at Easy Campground. Just couldn't afford to go to Darke Co Fairgrounds.
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