Sunday, January 17, 2010

Middle of January cont'd

Sorry this is the tour boat.

This big guy came through and it was definitely empty. On the side of the ship is 3 big arrows pointing down. Well I always thought whatever way the arrows went was this side up, do you suppose I could be wrong this time, heaven forbid.

We have had a busy week again and just flys by. The middle of January already, can't believe it.
Forgot to tell you last week that I have a namesake. The Bissett's got a new dog and they named it Peaches, can you believe having a dog named after you? Why didn't they get a male dog and they could have called it Lody or Lowell!
We had fun at our Pizza party and of course I played cards and Dad read and watched TV. Been wanting to bake a pie but haven't given in Dad said we didn't need it. Can you imagine anybody not needing pie?
We got a comment last week on our blog that if they only worked 3 1/2 hours a week they would have time to come to Texas. I'll bet then they would say they couldn't afford it because they only worked 3 1/2 hours a week. Just not sure about that comment.

Wish all of you could have gone to the beach with us, we miss you all and your dogs would love it on the beach I should say in the water. LOL

Read this week "God closes doors no man can open and He opens doors no man can close".
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1 comment:

Pursuing the Dream said...

I guess we could have named Charlie Lowell... would have went well with the "L's"