Sunday, January 10, 2010

Another week

Even though we miss you all very much, the time really does fly by.
Yes we have had some cold weather too. This year is not like last year. This week our lowest temperature was 24. That's cold for here, but today we have 48 and the sun is shining. The boss said it's supposed to go to 61 this week YEAH. If I wanted to wear winter clothes all the time we could have stayed up north. We haven't given up yet on this weather.
We didn't make it to church this morning. I acquired Lowell's sore throat and cold but I'm better today. Made a huge kettle of chili soup for supper and we can't wait to eat it.
I have a job if I want it. I worked Friday morning for 3 1/2 hours. It was more than I thought it would be so I'm still trying to decide what to do about it. I was cashiere at the thrift store here in town. Running the cash register was fun it is all the reports after I close out that I don't like, I even had to make a deposit from my sales that morning. I don't know why people can't find work I sure didn't have any trouble. Do you suppose it is the pay?
We went to the Big Fisherman and the line was long the winter Texans are back!
Wednesday night we went out with a bunch from the park to the Pizzeria and the pizza was really good. I'm hoping we can work this in again.

Read this, this week thought it was cute. "Some people are like slinkies not good for anything but they bring a smile to your face when pushed downstairs".

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