Sunday, January 17, 2010

Middle of January

The Lord gave us a beautiful sunshiney day, so we went to church came home took our herbs ate some leftovers, went to the bathroom and took off for the beach. We had some action today. We missed the first ship just caught the tail end of it going through the channel where we watch. But here was a big one heading into our channel but it only came so far in, it was dredging the channel. He made two turns at it. Finished up then headed back out to the Gulf. There were people walking on the beach and even in the water Brrrr. Can't imagine being in that cold water today. A lot of people fishing but only saw two big sheephead brought in. But we enjoyed watching them try to catch fish.

Then the next ship coming through was a cute tug with a big barge on behind. We decided this is going to be an oil rig, if you don't agree let us know.

The next one is a tour boat, don't know what they promised the people they would see but I'll bet they didn't get their money back if they didn't see it.
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