Saturday, January 23, 2010


Another week gone and very fast I might add. We had sad news from home my dear old Auntie went to be with the Lord. 92 years young still had her sense of humor but just wore out. The sad news is that we couldn't be there but we were sure happy for her. Just imagine stepping on shore and have our Lord and Saviour standing their waiting for you.
We had a potluck in the clubhouse Wednesday evening, walking everyday, visiting, playing cards and pokeno. You kids worrying about your inheirantance I won at 99 and only lost 6 cents at pokeno. We're both fine and Praising the Lord for our good health. We even had some beautiful weather this week too. Forgot we had biscuits, sausage and gravy this morning in the club house too. It was good but glad we don't do this often.

Well as you can see we went to the Shriners Circus in Corpus Christie. They give our park coupons buy one ticket and get one free. Another couple ask us to go with them and we did. It was really good but a little loud and too much air conditioner. I'm not going to explain the pictures double click on them and hope you enjoy.

They did elephant and pony rides before and intermission. Dad wouldn't let me ride the elephants. Didn't get to in my first childhood and didn't today either. As a matter of fact never got to go to a circus period, but guess what, I survived.
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