Sunday, January 31, 2010


Well another fast week. Guess it is our age since the time seems to go so fast.

How do you like our christmas present? We love it! We had a terrible time finding the wrought iron sign hanger, but we went to all the stores and finally went to another park where a man from Canada sells them. If the sign had been any longer it wouldn't have fit but Praise the Lord it fit. Dee and Bob got us the sign for Christmas, it is made out of Redwood from Washington. Hand carved and oiled as it ages it will turn grey just like us. Dad says it will outlast us and probably will. Double click so you can see it real good.

Went to the big Fisherman and on to the meat market (my favorite place to buy meat) bought a big beef roast and it was yummy. Friday night we had our soup supper and it turned cool so soup hit the spot. I took the 15 bean and corn muffins, we all had leftovers. Dad and I love left overs. Tonight is our ice cream social and I didn't sign up for a cake this time. Oh I did make a zuchini cream pie this week and we almost got out the tape measure and the scales to make sure one of us didn't get a bigger piece. First pie since we got here. Dad kept telling me not to make it, we didn't need it, but he sure ate it.

I have been extremely busy working on the income tax and then the end of the month for the shop, but I still played cards. Dad doesn't mind, then nobody is bothering him while he reads. Wonder sometimes if he knows when I leave or come home. He really does.

Time to pay the rent tomorrow and the electric bill. Talk to you next week, bet you can't wait. LOL
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