Sunday, December 27, 2009

Trip to Port Aransas

Our first trip to the beach, somethings never change. The guy next to us was fishing and here is the welfare pelican. He caught a fish and didn't want it so the pelican got it. We kept perch this summer that was smaller. The pelican didn't act like he wanted it till another pelican came along and you know what happened he wanted it then.

There were no big ships coming thru guess the economy has got to them to. There was one way out waiting for the pilot boat to go out. We waited and waited but no pilot boat. This was a pretty neat yacht but we just didn't think it was what we wanted.

This is the Polly Anna shrimp boat docked in Port Aransas but here it was 3:30 in the afternoon. Dad and I thought they went out early, but maybe he is working the afternoon shift. Anyhow he had his outriggers working the nets. I thought maybe he was just washing his nets, but Dad said No dummy.

Here's the gulf from our beach, pretty yes.
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