Monday, December 7, 2009

Christmas Decorations

We went to Wal-Mart shopping for a Christmas Tree, and Dad said if I'd have known you were buying a tree I wouldn't have come along. We came home with the goodies and Dad carried them in and set the tree on the table. I laughed and said in 59 years this is the first time you put up the Christmas tree. Do you think he is beginning to mellow? Anyhow our lights on the dash look double in the picture but they are not. You notice our greeting says Merry Christmas and not Happy Holidays. We're telling everybody Merry Christmas we don't like to be politically correct. I still have a couple of things in the basement to find but the weather has been nasty so maybe tomorrow I can look for them. Calling for a high of 75 and Sunny, Yippee our kind of weather.

Tuesday is our day to eat out at the Big Fisherman, all you can eat for 2.75. So when you come to see us make sure you are here over Tuesday so we can eat out, our treat.
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