Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Activitys

This is our new tablecloth that Dee made for us. Notice the little sleigh she thought it was RV size, but she didn't send anything to pull the sleigh with.
Anyhow we had a nice Christmas. We got a gift card for Bob Evans and a Walmart card. We got our new square dishes early in the year, that I wanted. Cookies oh my I think the kids thought their Dad and I were starving. They sure are good and I might add fattening too. We had a catered dinner for Christmas and it was very good and no dishes or cooking. Then we had a gift exchange and finger foods. It was fun too.
Needless to say it was a different Christmas than we are used too. But very thankful we were not out there traveling in the traffic. We missed our loved ones very much and they said they missed us too and we believed them.
Anyhow have a very Healthy and Happy New year.

Remeber "Life isn't tied with a bow, but it is a gift".
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