Sunday, December 20, 2009

More Decorations

This third picture was my pick for first place. It was really pretty and we all liked it, but we'll see who won.
I don't really care for fake palm trees or plastic blowups. Sorry if you like these but I don't.

Well not much happened this week, Lowell had a terrific Dr.'s appointment so that is our Christmas gift. We can not Praise the Lord enough.
It has finally quit raining and the sun is shining. We have so many blessings what more could we want.

Have a very Merry Christmas and we pray you have Jesus in your heart. We want that for all our loved ones. It is Jesus Birthday we are celebrating. So where ever we are or whom ever we are with we will celebrate His birthday. Yes we will miss all of our loved ones very much. But we have wonderful memories.
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