Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Activitys

This is our new tablecloth that Dee made for us. Notice the little sleigh she thought it was RV size, but she didn't send anything to pull the sleigh with.
Anyhow we had a nice Christmas. We got a gift card for Bob Evans and a Walmart card. We got our new square dishes early in the year, that I wanted. Cookies oh my I think the kids thought their Dad and I were starving. They sure are good and I might add fattening too. We had a catered dinner for Christmas and it was very good and no dishes or cooking. Then we had a gift exchange and finger foods. It was fun too.
Needless to say it was a different Christmas than we are used too. But very thankful we were not out there traveling in the traffic. We missed our loved ones very much and they said they missed us too and we believed them.
Anyhow have a very Healthy and Happy New year.

Remeber "Life isn't tied with a bow, but it is a gift".
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Same day

This is a newly built covered dock. They do not have enough people docked to pay the electric bill. It is pretty pathetic. We watched this expensive project being built last year. So we had to see how much business they had this year. This is all owned by cove harbor. They have 2 big buildings that they store people's boats in. They stack them 3 high I have no idea how many are in there, but it looks pretty full. The cost can't imagine. If anybody wants to bring your boat here we'll check for you.

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Another day

This is the security system at the ferry, we really feel safe. One of them are always on duty when we cross on our big ferry ride.

This is another place we drive to to check out what old boats are being refurbished. Since it was so close to Christmas all 7 tugs were in dock. Maybe their business is slow too. We have never seen so many tugs docked maybe one before but this looked like all of them.

We see all kinds of old boats in these areas. People working on them. We see the same ones from last year and there is not much work done on them either.
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Trip to Port Aransas

Our first trip to the beach, somethings never change. The guy next to us was fishing and here is the welfare pelican. He caught a fish and didn't want it so the pelican got it. We kept perch this summer that was smaller. The pelican didn't act like he wanted it till another pelican came along and you know what happened he wanted it then.

There were no big ships coming thru guess the economy has got to them to. There was one way out waiting for the pilot boat to go out. We waited and waited but no pilot boat. This was a pretty neat yacht but we just didn't think it was what we wanted.

This is the Polly Anna shrimp boat docked in Port Aransas but here it was 3:30 in the afternoon. Dad and I thought they went out early, but maybe he is working the afternoon shift. Anyhow he had his outriggers working the nets. I thought maybe he was just washing his nets, but Dad said No dummy.

Here's the gulf from our beach, pretty yes.
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Sunday, December 20, 2009

More Decorations

This third picture was my pick for first place. It was really pretty and we all liked it, but we'll see who won.
I don't really care for fake palm trees or plastic blowups. Sorry if you like these but I don't.

Well not much happened this week, Lowell had a terrific Dr.'s appointment so that is our Christmas gift. We can not Praise the Lord enough.
It has finally quit raining and the sun is shining. We have so many blessings what more could we want.

Have a very Merry Christmas and we pray you have Jesus in your heart. We want that for all our loved ones. It is Jesus Birthday we are celebrating. So where ever we are or whom ever we are with we will celebrate His birthday. Yes we will miss all of our loved ones very much. But we have wonderful memories.
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Christmas decorations in the park

As you can see our lot was not decorated at all compared to the others, but I've decorated for 59 years (well a few more than that). That's why we sold our home well one of the reasons so I wouldn't have to do all that work. Then there is the problem of storing all those decorations. Lowell having to find room for them, that is a real problem. We just love it this way.

I was asked to be a judge we had 4 of us that went around and picked which one we thought was 1.2.3. Then the manager and his wife tallied our picks and they decide. We don't know the results.
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Sunday, December 13, 2009

Week number 2

Well here we are our second week here and no pictures. We have very cool weather this year and still raining. We are not complaining because it is better than you have at home. We did not have this type of weather last year. I moved the warm clothes to the back of the cupboard and now I have to dig back there to get them, I know you think if that was the only problem I had.
We went to Corpus Christi Friday for Lowell's Pet Scan and it rained so hard we couldn't take any pictures of any thing.
I want to clear up a mistake I made last week on the blog, the special is only 2.25 and not 2.75 at the Big Fisherman.
The sun is starting to come out so that makes us feel better too. We are really fine and pray you are too.
We have a healthy and very active gopher in our yard he has made a mess of our yard, but the gardner takes care of it. Guess they'll kill him when it drys off a little.
Have a good week and love to all.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Christmas Decorations

We went to Wal-Mart shopping for a Christmas Tree, and Dad said if I'd have known you were buying a tree I wouldn't have come along. We came home with the goodies and Dad carried them in and set the tree on the table. I laughed and said in 59 years this is the first time you put up the Christmas tree. Do you think he is beginning to mellow? Anyhow our lights on the dash look double in the picture but they are not. You notice our greeting says Merry Christmas and not Happy Holidays. We're telling everybody Merry Christmas we don't like to be politically correct. I still have a couple of things in the basement to find but the weather has been nasty so maybe tomorrow I can look for them. Calling for a high of 75 and Sunny, Yippee our kind of weather.

Tuesday is our day to eat out at the Big Fisherman, all you can eat for 2.75. So when you come to see us make sure you are here over Tuesday so we can eat out, our treat.
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Our First Week At Aransas Pass

We are here in warm, sunny, windy and beautiful Aransas Pass Tx. We are scheduled to stay here till April 1 2010. BUT we have had more rain already this week than we had the 4 months last year. The rain we can handle but you can tell from the pictures we had snow. No accumalation but you could see it around the windows and in the grass. Things are pretty much the same here going up to play Pokeno tonight. Played 99 2 days last week and won the pot. Cleared 90 cents profit, so I can play for 6 days for free. 99 only last about an hour while Pokeno last about 1 1/2. Lowell lets me play he thinks I can help make the motor home payment! LOL

If you want our new address check your email.
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Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Just want to wish all of you a wonderful Thanksgiving. Since we should be thankful every day, thought we'd do this early, well guess it's not real early. Most of you will be hustling about preparing all that wonderful food.

If you check our blog you'll see the clubhouse where we will be indulging our Thanksgiving Dinner. We have all the traditional foods the only thing we will be missing is all you wonderful family and friends. We pay $2.50 each and take a covered dish. You can't beat that!
We won't eat as much if we were with you but it will be good.

Did you know that one theory about why we eat turkey every Thanksgiving dates back to the Spanish Armada. That theory states that during the 16th century Queen Elizabeth was enjoying roast goose during a harvest festival when she was informed the Spanish Armada was on it's way to attack England, had sunk. The queen order a second goose for a celebration. The Pilgrims continued this tradition when they arrived in America. However back in those days wild turkeys were plentiful. I know it's hard to believe about the goose shortage, it's not today. This event eventually became known as Thanksgiving. In 1863 President Abe Lincoln declared the 4th Thursday as a national holiday. This day is set aside for a day of giving Thanks to our Heavenly Father.

We need to express our gratitude for what is good in our life and in America. When I focus on being grateful it's impossible to participate in my muddle of stress or self pity attitude. We have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. Trust me if you want to feel better, have more vitality, optimism and lower levels of depression and stress, change your attitude.

As we age, wisdom and life experiences help us value and appreciate our blessings. Let your loved ones know that you love them and appreciate them.

We love you all and appreciate you very much.

Remember God's Word says "In everything give Thanks" and pray without ceasing.
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Leaving Iowa

You won't remeber but when we left Iowa this was the way the sky looked. The Bible says red sunrise in the morning, sailors take warning. That is so right we had a terrible day of rain and wind. But it did not discourage those Iowa state bugs, they hung on for dear life.
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Our Park

See the pillar holding up the expressway. On each one of them is a Texas star, like this one. This olive tree is outside the gate.

This is Dad's favorite sign. They have it posted at the orchard
where we go to buy fruit to send home.
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Our Park

These oranges are right beside our motorhome. They are getting riper each day. They are so good.
The palm trees are really tall .

This is the clubhouse where we'll have Thanksgiving dinner. They have shufflebord courts, a library. This the village clock. This park is nice to walk in too.
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