Sunday, November 21, 2010


Well this week was a bummer if you thought you were going to see pictures, you are as disapointed as we are. It was not a bad week but not the greatest. First we found out our credit score was blown out of the water over a 209.00. We never received the bill and they turned it over to a collection agent. Anyhow after running down two cell phones think that is straightened out. If you know us we would have had it paid when it was due.
We are happy where we are and very thankful to be here. Somebody in the park has roller blades and just went by. You guessed it she is not as old as us. We are back in church too, the pastor even remembered us.
The weather has been just perfect.
We are making a big pan of dressing for a needy family on Wednesday.
We are having the Thanksgiving Day catered here at the park. It will be hard to not have leftovers. We love you all and wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving. Be very thankful for every thing even the bad. Our God doesn't make mistakes.

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