Sunday, November 14, 2010


We took two days going to Iowa. We are at Squaw Creek County Park where we always stay while in Iowa. We only saw a couple of deer and finally some wild turkeys our last day. We were not able to get any pictures of any of them. But we really like it there and this year we only took about a dozen of the Iowa state bugs with us when we left. In case you haven't heard that Iowa has a state bug it is a box elder.

These are pictures of the construction of The New Covenant Bible Church. Bob took us a tour, Lowell took a lot of pictures. There was no way I could tell about the pictures. Bob said this is the main sreet, or I would explain it as the main entrance. I told him the kids would love those steps to play on.

This one I remembered, I think they have a long ways to go on the worship center (sanctuary for us old people). If you want to know the colors of the outside of the building it is the exact same as our lowly little herb store.

We sure enjoyed Heather and Ryan during our visit, Bob had a business trip and I told him I bet it was hard getting plane reservations that quick when he found out we were coming. But it worked out great for us and Leesa she wasn't feeling up to par so we just hung out with her and fixed Heather and Ryan's favorite food. He's like Dad he eats everything. Our time went to fast as always, but like fish company begins to stink after 3 days. But we stayed a week with them. It was starting to freeze and they shut the water off there earlier this year. This visit will have to last us all till next spring when we return back to Ohio.
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