Sunday, January 31, 2010


Well another fast week. Guess it is our age since the time seems to go so fast.

How do you like our christmas present? We love it! We had a terrible time finding the wrought iron sign hanger, but we went to all the stores and finally went to another park where a man from Canada sells them. If the sign had been any longer it wouldn't have fit but Praise the Lord it fit. Dee and Bob got us the sign for Christmas, it is made out of Redwood from Washington. Hand carved and oiled as it ages it will turn grey just like us. Dad says it will outlast us and probably will. Double click so you can see it real good.

Went to the big Fisherman and on to the meat market (my favorite place to buy meat) bought a big beef roast and it was yummy. Friday night we had our soup supper and it turned cool so soup hit the spot. I took the 15 bean and corn muffins, we all had leftovers. Dad and I love left overs. Tonight is our ice cream social and I didn't sign up for a cake this time. Oh I did make a zuchini cream pie this week and we almost got out the tape measure and the scales to make sure one of us didn't get a bigger piece. First pie since we got here. Dad kept telling me not to make it, we didn't need it, but he sure ate it.

I have been extremely busy working on the income tax and then the end of the month for the shop, but I still played cards. Dad doesn't mind, then nobody is bothering him while he reads. Wonder sometimes if he knows when I leave or come home. He really does.

Time to pay the rent tomorrow and the electric bill. Talk to you next week, bet you can't wait. LOL
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Saturday, January 23, 2010

Last of the circus

There were three motorcycles going different directions in this little cage.
Hope you enjoyed the circus it was the greatest circus we have ever seen. These pictures were mainly for our terrific great grand children.
See ya next week, love you and miss you all.
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More circus

The elephants were so cute, they are so agile too.
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Circus continued

These were motorcycles running on a tight wire with two girls hanging down below. That wasn't enough then they turned the motorcycle over and over with the girls hanging on below.
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Second Childhood continued

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Second Childhood continued

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Second Childhood

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Another week gone and very fast I might add. We had sad news from home my dear old Auntie went to be with the Lord. 92 years young still had her sense of humor but just wore out. The sad news is that we couldn't be there but we were sure happy for her. Just imagine stepping on shore and have our Lord and Saviour standing their waiting for you.
We had a potluck in the clubhouse Wednesday evening, walking everyday, visiting, playing cards and pokeno. You kids worrying about your inheirantance I won at 99 and only lost 6 cents at pokeno. We're both fine and Praising the Lord for our good health. We even had some beautiful weather this week too. Forgot we had biscuits, sausage and gravy this morning in the club house too. It was good but glad we don't do this often.

Well as you can see we went to the Shriners Circus in Corpus Christie. They give our park coupons buy one ticket and get one free. Another couple ask us to go with them and we did. It was really good but a little loud and too much air conditioner. I'm not going to explain the pictures double click on them and hope you enjoy.

They did elephant and pony rides before and intermission. Dad wouldn't let me ride the elephants. Didn't get to in my first childhood and didn't today either. As a matter of fact never got to go to a circus period, but guess what, I survived.
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Sunday, January 17, 2010

Middle of January cont'd

Sorry this is the tour boat.

This big guy came through and it was definitely empty. On the side of the ship is 3 big arrows pointing down. Well I always thought whatever way the arrows went was this side up, do you suppose I could be wrong this time, heaven forbid.

We have had a busy week again and just flys by. The middle of January already, can't believe it.
Forgot to tell you last week that I have a namesake. The Bissett's got a new dog and they named it Peaches, can you believe having a dog named after you? Why didn't they get a male dog and they could have called it Lody or Lowell!
We had fun at our Pizza party and of course I played cards and Dad read and watched TV. Been wanting to bake a pie but haven't given in Dad said we didn't need it. Can you imagine anybody not needing pie?
We got a comment last week on our blog that if they only worked 3 1/2 hours a week they would have time to come to Texas. I'll bet then they would say they couldn't afford it because they only worked 3 1/2 hours a week. Just not sure about that comment.

Wish all of you could have gone to the beach with us, we miss you all and your dogs would love it on the beach I should say in the water. LOL

Read this week "God closes doors no man can open and He opens doors no man can close".
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Middle of January

The Lord gave us a beautiful sunshiney day, so we went to church came home took our herbs ate some leftovers, went to the bathroom and took off for the beach. We had some action today. We missed the first ship just caught the tail end of it going through the channel where we watch. But here was a big one heading into our channel but it only came so far in, it was dredging the channel. He made two turns at it. Finished up then headed back out to the Gulf. There were people walking on the beach and even in the water Brrrr. Can't imagine being in that cold water today. A lot of people fishing but only saw two big sheephead brought in. But we enjoyed watching them try to catch fish.

Then the next ship coming through was a cute tug with a big barge on behind. We decided this is going to be an oil rig, if you don't agree let us know.

The next one is a tour boat, don't know what they promised the people they would see but I'll bet they didn't get their money back if they didn't see it.
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Sunday, January 10, 2010

Another week

Even though we miss you all very much, the time really does fly by.
Yes we have had some cold weather too. This year is not like last year. This week our lowest temperature was 24. That's cold for here, but today we have 48 and the sun is shining. The boss said it's supposed to go to 61 this week YEAH. If I wanted to wear winter clothes all the time we could have stayed up north. We haven't given up yet on this weather.
We didn't make it to church this morning. I acquired Lowell's sore throat and cold but I'm better today. Made a huge kettle of chili soup for supper and we can't wait to eat it.
I have a job if I want it. I worked Friday morning for 3 1/2 hours. It was more than I thought it would be so I'm still trying to decide what to do about it. I was cashiere at the thrift store here in town. Running the cash register was fun it is all the reports after I close out that I don't like, I even had to make a deposit from my sales that morning. I don't know why people can't find work I sure didn't have any trouble. Do you suppose it is the pay?
We went to the Big Fisherman and the line was long the winter Texans are back!
Wednesday night we went out with a bunch from the park to the Pizzeria and the pizza was really good. I'm hoping we can work this in again.

Read this, this week thought it was cute. "Some people are like slinkies not good for anything but they bring a smile to your face when pushed downstairs".

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Still celebrating

Well we had a New Year's eve Party. You guessed it more finger foods. We played some silly games and went home at 9:00, you heard right, that is old people's New Year's. We had our usual sauerkraut, sausage and mashed potatoes for New Year's day.

We went to the Big Fisherman on Tuesday with another couple that had never been there. They really enjoyed it too.

Played Pokeno on Monday night. Played Wizard one night and Chain reaction another night.
Dad read 2 books this week. I won one day at 99, so I have to play in the championship Monday at 2:00. The winners play once a week.

We both walk every day. Get plenty of sleep, just wish it would warm up. Made my weekly trip to Walmart and we went to church too.
Guess that's all the excitement for our week. We love it here and wish we could have company from home, then it would be perfect.