Wednesday, August 27, 2008

More along the canal

This is the sign for the aqueduct at six mile creek under the canal.

This is a replica that they have built to show you what they really looked like. Did you know the Ohio Canals prior to the Civil War returned to the State nearly seven million dollars in net receipts. The canals were also a major factor in Ohio's major population growth, wealth and power. In fact the population expansion in Ohio jumped 68% between 1830 and 1840. Indirect effects of the canals in Ohio include raising the prices of labor and products within Ohio, which promoted the growth of industries such as agriculture and mining. Wheat grown in Central Ohio went from 50 cents to 75 cents.
These stones are limestone and they were used to build the locks, some locks were made out of wood when the stone wasn't available.
The canal was a profitable adventure for the state of Ohio, earning over and above the cost of construction and maintenance. It earned 15% dividend in an age when 3% was considered excellent. 80 year life span the canal is credited with an exciting period of growth. Historians agree that no other mode of transportation has ever contributed as much as quick and cheap as the canal.
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