Wednesday, August 27, 2008

More along the canal

I really liked this part of the canal, nothing like a good love story and murder mystery. The story goes that Bill Jones and Jack Billings were both in love with Minnie Warren. Well Minnie picked Jack for her lover and Bill did not like being jilted. So one dark night Jack and Minnie were coming home from a hot date and Bill went to the bridge with his axe, hid and waited for them to come home. He swung the axe and knocked Jack's head clear off. Minnie panicked, screamed and fell from the buggy into the canal and drowned. Bill disappeared and when a skelton was found in the nearby well years later people asked if it was suicide or justice. I voted on justice, how about you. I was concerned if they were using that impure water.

This was the bridge where the story unfolded.

This is the six mile creek where the aqueduct went under the canal. There were 19 of these along the canal. This one is still operating. They are opening this to let water into Delphos for the canal days.
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