Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The last of the canal for now

We came across this little cemetery, decided to stop and check it out. To see if we saw any names we knew.
There was Titus, Harpers and Pratts. Two Civil War Veterans too. They had flags on their graves. These graves are dated back to the times of the canal. I could just see these people getting on the canal boats. There is a Doctor buried there too. I'm sure he took care of some of the diseases they had doing the building of the canal.

Every old canal needs a snake in the bottom.

This is a replica of the old canals, but there was no wrought iron on top. In 1845 the canal was completed and along came the competition. From 1850 to 1860 the railroad system increased from 375 to 2946 miles. They built right along the towpath of the canal. You could travel the full length of the canal for 10.00, but it took 4 or 5 days on the canal. I'm sure the rail system was faster.
We hope you have enjoyed our trip along the canal with us. We hope you will have appreciation for all the hardships they went thru, to bring us better transportation. Our great grandchildren will probably think we rode on these canal boats.
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