Saturday, January 19, 2008

Surprise Surprise

No pictures today, we figured you were tired of looking at tugs and barges. We are not tired of looking at them.

We woke up this AM to SNOW on the grass. Yes you heard it right. It is cold here today too. But this afternoon the sun is shinning and we are Praising the Lord for this. The snow was melted by 10:00. Leesa emailed and it was -10 and wind advisory. So whose complaining about snow on the grass. It is very cold at home too.

Then this afternoon we received a very special phone call from our great grandaughter Amanda. She is playing indoor soccer and got her first goal, you just can't get better news than that. Especially when you are away from those kids.

We go for a walk every afternoon and Lowell thinks we better hadn't go today.

Keep warm we love you!

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