Monday, January 7, 2008


Well as you can see we are back on the river and so thankful to the Lord for taking care of our motor home while we were gone. We had a good trip back in spite of Gramma being sick. We saw 3 deer with black tails in KY and 10 wild turkeys in a corn field in KY. It was hard to leave the motor home here as we have never done this. Gramma doesn't travel well in a car. Can't get up and move around and go to the bathroom enough. We arrived on Sat about 4:00 paid our rent and started unpacking. We are so sick of packing and unpacking, seems like that is all we have done since October. We still left some things undone back at Pleasant Hill.

We wanted to send you some pictures of our prize possessions. It was wonderful to see all the kids big and little. That's why we needed to go home for Christmas. You probably wonder why we are doing this and maybe it is selfish on our part but we don't love them any less. Praise the Lord for pictures and email, we can really keep in touch with all of them. We know when we return in the spring thaw that AJ will be walking and Morgan will be crawling every where. But we sure enjoy them when we are with them. They treated us so royally. The grandkids invited us for meals, took us out to eat and of course the kids did too.
It was wonderful to be with them and now we have to go thru withdrawal again.

The river is busy as usual and really high, we have never seen it this high. The temperature is great no jackets needed.

Well we must start planning our new home we will leave here on the 28th. Time flies when you don't have a lot to do.

Take care and will send more pictures if I can.

Hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Remember our job is to Glorify the Lord in everything we do and say.
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