Monday, January 21, 2008


The race is on!
The wanna be river captain.

We had an exciting day on the river. First this big Tug parked along side the river bank at the park. We didn't know why but he parked there, we thought maybe he was getting serviced because the little tug that we call Jr came out here to him. I went to do the laundry and here is another big tug stopping by the bridge. So Lowell picked me up and we went on up the river to see what was going on. Guess what we still don't know what the hold up was. But the first tug started up and so did the one waiting at the bridge. It was really neat two big tugs going north on the river, like they were racing but they weren't.

Then here comes Jr with 2 barges and he is docking them with some other barges right where we are standing on the bank. How they can maneuver them like they do it is unreal. Then here comes another tug up the river 3 right in a row, plus Jr.

All this just for us. At least that is the best reason I came up with.

Guess what we still don't know which direction we are going when we leave here, but does that surprise you not me.
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