Saturday, January 26, 2008


This load of coal headed South stopped in front of our campsite. He stayed there for a while and the next thing I knew he was backing up. Instead of pushing he was pulling those heavy barges back up the river. I personally think he was showing off. He stayed there for about 3 hours and the river became foggy and then he continued on down the river in the heavy fog. I thought maybe he had a hot load he was trying to sneak thru.
Are you sure this river is wide enough for both of us?
This doesn't look like the ole muddy Mississippi does it
t How about this sunrise on ole Miss? This was the first sunrise I got to see, well I am retired!
I'll say one thing the Bible is true about sailors take warning we had rain, rain, rain.
This is the last of the river, we're going to miss her very much.
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Monday, January 21, 2008

This is Jr, he just docked these 2 barges.
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This is Jr.
This is the bridge between Natchez MS and Vidalia LA
Great Mississippi River Flood
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The race is on!
The wanna be river captain.

We had an exciting day on the river. First this big Tug parked along side the river bank at the park. We didn't know why but he parked there, we thought maybe he was getting serviced because the little tug that we call Jr came out here to him. I went to do the laundry and here is another big tug stopping by the bridge. So Lowell picked me up and we went on up the river to see what was going on. Guess what we still don't know what the hold up was. But the first tug started up and so did the one waiting at the bridge. It was really neat two big tugs going north on the river, like they were racing but they weren't.

Then here comes Jr with 2 barges and he is docking them with some other barges right where we are standing on the bank. How they can maneuver them like they do it is unreal. Then here comes another tug up the river 3 right in a row, plus Jr.

All this just for us. At least that is the best reason I came up with.

Guess what we still don't know which direction we are going when we leave here, but does that surprise you not me.
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Saturday, January 19, 2008

Surprise Surprise

No pictures today, we figured you were tired of looking at tugs and barges. We are not tired of looking at them.

We woke up this AM to SNOW on the grass. Yes you heard it right. It is cold here today too. But this afternoon the sun is shinning and we are Praising the Lord for this. The snow was melted by 10:00. Leesa emailed and it was -10 and wind advisory. So whose complaining about snow on the grass. It is very cold at home too.

Then this afternoon we received a very special phone call from our great grandaughter Amanda. She is playing indoor soccer and got her first goal, you just can't get better news than that. Especially when you are away from those kids.

We go for a walk every afternoon and Lowell thinks we better hadn't go today.

Keep warm we love you!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Well as you can see we haven't done anything but people watch in the park and tug and barge watch on the river. It is so amazing how they can have all these big barges in front of them, like 6 across and 7 long. I really admire those captains how they can handle all that and we have even seen them stop right in the middle and leave off an empty or pick up a loaded one.

It rained all day yesterday so I was able to get caught up on some computer work, like a list of people that was so kind to send us Christmas cards. We did appreciate them. I also got some book work done for the store too. Couldn't take our daily walk as Lowell didn't think I should be out in the rain. Like as though I would melt. Would be nice if a little melted.

We have 11 more days here and then we will be leaving for Texas just pray we get a good place as this has been. There is a big restruant there that feeds 1000 people. They have a special every Tuesday at 11:00 for $1.75 all you can eat too. Can't wait! Had some good catfish here and looking forward to going back there too.

The old Prevost here is a real antique . We are not sure what year every time we are out he is gone or we just can't make connections.

Guess this is all for now.

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Wednesday, January 9, 2008


The sign said "NO SWIMMING STRICTLY ENFORCED" SO I decided not to swim and you talk about cold BRRRRRR!
Then I wanted to wait on a tug to come along but they never came. Par for the course. (But I was resting to have strength to get back up the hill and back to camp).
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Seeing double!

This just proves to you how big the Ole Mississippi really is. This was a sight to see the North and South passing on the river. Some of the tugs are pushing four wide and six or more long. That's a lot of barges.
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1928 ModelA-R

Grampa started off his day by going to the neighbor down the road in the campsite. This is a 1928 Model A-R. The gentleman that owns it travels by himself. His wife died 2 years ago and keeps traveling because they enjoyed this life together. He's headed for GA when he leaves here. Grampa was admiring it so when they were finished talking he brought Lowell back to our motor home. (I think he had to twist his arm to ride in it). It is a beauy!
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Monday, January 7, 2008

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Well as you can see we are back on the river and so thankful to the Lord for taking care of our motor home while we were gone. We had a good trip back in spite of Gramma being sick. We saw 3 deer with black tails in KY and 10 wild turkeys in a corn field in KY. It was hard to leave the motor home here as we have never done this. Gramma doesn't travel well in a car. Can't get up and move around and go to the bathroom enough. We arrived on Sat about 4:00 paid our rent and started unpacking. We are so sick of packing and unpacking, seems like that is all we have done since October. We still left some things undone back at Pleasant Hill.

We wanted to send you some pictures of our prize possessions. It was wonderful to see all the kids big and little. That's why we needed to go home for Christmas. You probably wonder why we are doing this and maybe it is selfish on our part but we don't love them any less. Praise the Lord for pictures and email, we can really keep in touch with all of them. We know when we return in the spring thaw that AJ will be walking and Morgan will be crawling every where. But we sure enjoy them when we are with them. They treated us so royally. The grandkids invited us for meals, took us out to eat and of course the kids did too.
It was wonderful to be with them and now we have to go thru withdrawal again.

The river is busy as usual and really high, we have never seen it this high. The temperature is great no jackets needed.

Well we must start planning our new home we will leave here on the 28th. Time flies when you don't have a lot to do.

Take care and will send more pictures if I can.

Hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Remember our job is to Glorify the Lord in everything we do and say.
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