Sunday, February 5, 2012

The Gulf

We finally found the time to go to the beach. We have been so busy this year and that is my fault I guess. She was rough the wind was strong and blowing sand every place. But we had a great time. The first picture is one of our new ferry boats, they are longer and wider. I told Lowell they rode smoother too. Lol! We laughed at the yacht we were watching him and he missed the channel he turned around and came down past us. We thought the one that had the not for sale sign on it was funny too. There is a few for sale guess they can't afford to keep them.
We had our usual ice cream social Sunday night, I took a cocoanut cake and had nothing but the crumbs to take home, but they tasted good. Yesterday we had a memorial service for one of our fellow RV'ers. She worked here in the park, did a lot of planning and everything. It was sad nobody could say anything about one thing she had done for the Lord. We are not sure she was saved, she didn't want visitors and her husband didn't want any either. He didn't want the park to have a memorial service either, but they did. He cremated her and put her ashes in 2 peanut butter jars. I thought it was disrespectful but oh well this is what she always wanted! Do you reallly think so? It's kind of like me saying I don't want to go out to eat, but I do.
That's all for this week.
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