Saturday, March 5, 2011


Last summer when we were back in Ohio the Aransas Pass Yacht Club docks burned. I don't know how many boats were lost. They are tearing out all the big pilings and steel roofing on the docks. Miss Frankie the tug brought in 3 barges. They used one for their work, a big crane to pull the pilings out. The one barge was full of trash, I mean full. We thought some of the pilings were not but a little scorched, but out they come anyhow. We just can't believe how they waste money. We enjoyed watching them work.

Not much going on we had an ice cream social and I baked a cocoanut cake and took up. Everyody liked it Dee, sorry we didn't save you a piece. Just don't have room in the deep freeze, too much fish. Boy that fish will taste good in Ohio.
It doesn't seem possible that we only have 26 days left here. Of course that depends on that Yankee weather if we leave on the 1st.
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