Sunday, January 9, 2011


This is our palm tree. We never realized how much work they are. They trim off the bottom leaves so they don't turn brown. This will sooner or later kill the tree. You can see on the trunk where they have been cut off. Joe works here and he said the water gets in the cavity and rots the trunk. You can see he is cutting the stubs away and literally unwrap the trunk. Just thought you might enjoy this.

This is Cracker every time we go someplace with Chan and Frank Cracker goes and sleeps in their pickup. We went to Rockport to a gospel festival with them it was very good.

Then we went to bed Saturday night as usual. We heard there was a storm coming in. WOW it was a storm and a half. It hit at 4:22 AM. I awoke to the horrible noise of didn't know what. I thought I was dreaming but I was awake. Dad was already up but it was horrible. We were having wind and hail and of course rain. This is a picture of the ice balls. We had no wind damage some did in the park.

It was 65 when the storm hit and 52 when we got up and this is what was left of the hail. We heard there were people killed in the towns on each side of us. They said they had tornados. We had a banana split party this afternoon at the den.
Had another busy week here and I've got to get to working on the taxes.
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