Sunday, January 16, 2011


No pictures this week. We had another busy week. We had an Italian dinner and I took Lasagna. Just needed to scrape the pan when we got home. Well Lowell did that as I was playing euchre in the den. We have been playing 6 handed and trying to get 2 more players so we can have 2 tables going. Maybe someday we can get Lowell to play but not holding my breath.

Had sloppy joes at 2:00 this afternoon and they were good. We had bags of chips, all the sloppy joes we wanted and cake for dessert. Cost us 4.00 each can't complain just took a paper plate and fork.

Have the most of the taxes about ready and I'm glad it is taking my time from playing cards every night and every afternoon.

Lowell had a meeting with the RV repairman that comes to the park. He comes and answers questions to all the men. They are a good company, we really appreciate them. He had that Saturday morning and learned some things.

I could learn how to bead and do other crafts too beside play cards, but I don' have time. I didn't go to the women's lunchen either this week.

Well we have had some much needed rain but it has warmed up and had a few hours of sunshine too.

The jam session was really good last night too.

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