Saturday, January 29, 2011


Here we are crossing on the ferry and yes some things never change. There he is at his post. He does a good job we have never been mugged or robbed crossing on the ferry.

Be sure and double click on these pictures. They are not your every day sea gull, they are Puffins and they are really pretty with their orange beaks. This is the fist time we ever saw them. The Gulf was as beautiful as ever. I just love it.

Here he is waiting for a handout. This is the jetty where our fisherman brings us our free fish. He goes over there to fish every morning.and brings back his limit. He tells us these were swimming 1 1/2 hours ago.
The gal that lives with him is my Euchre buddy they are from Tibbles Landing at Marblehead at Lake Erie OH. She is a couple years older than me and we have a ball together. We play Sunday, Wednesday and Friday nights.
Did you know long before they had cattledrives to Kansas they drove cattle through our area to New Orleans and shipped the cattle north on ships. They were the longhorns. They had a 5 foot spread on the horns. They think they probably cut the horns off so they could get more cattle on the ships. A steer would bring 5 dollars in Texas but 35 in New Orleans. After the Texas Revolution, with Texas under new ownership, the veterans of San Jacinto rounded up cattle abandoned by the retreating Spanish rancheros and drove them east for sale. They became known as "cowboys". They would drive 1000 head cattle and one 20 year old man was in charge his name was Shanghai Pierce. When the men would go on these cattle drives the women and kids would stay together to survive till the men got back. Pierce in later years became one of the big cattle ranchers in Texas. Remember the Commanche Indians were still all through here too.

Murphy Givens does an article once a week in our paper about history in our area. We enjoy reading them.
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