Monday, March 22, 2010

Warm weather

Well you can tell it is about time to meander towards the north, we are finally getting the weather we had all last year.

We have decided to stay another week and hopefully soak up some sunshine. As at this writing we will be leaving April 7th instead of April 1st. What a winter this has been but we are not alone when it comes to bad weather. But this week has had some beautiful warm days. Oh how we loved them. We could take our morning walks in shorts and short sleeve shirts. That's why we come down here. I know some of you thought it was to play cards for me and Dad to read a couple of books every week. By the way kids I won blackout at Pokeno so that made up for my 3 losses I had. You can rest easier now. I also won at 99 too. I now have enough to last me to play till we leave too.

I forgot to tell you last week when we went to the beach we saw several dolphins. They are so much fun to watch but you never know where they are popping up so they are hard to take pictures of.

We had a St Patrick Day party with finger foods which we attended and a sausage and pancake breakfast but it was at 9 on Sunday and we couldn't do that and go to church too, so we chose church. Thursday night we went to Corpus Christi to a country western jam session and ate supper out with another couple. We had a good time but got home too late for old people.

We had 3 birthdays back home this week and that sure makes you realize you are not getting any younger when 2 great grandkids are 15 and 16. I don't think daughter wants her age in here.

All in all it was another busy week and our lives are one week shorter. We Praise the Lord it was a great week .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Daughter could care less! 59!!, I really thought though, with one turning 15 on the 15th and one 16on the 16th that I should turn 14 on the 14th! But then I would have about 40 years of working ahead of me and who wants that!??