Sunday, March 7, 2010


This is the camel on the merry go round. Never saw a camel before.
Here's the big midway they sure weren't busy.

Here's an elderly couple at the Oysterfest, do they look familiar?

Grandpa and I thought this little Mexican girl was so cute.

I got our spring cleaning done this week. We have polished wood, clean windows and mirrors. I also washed the recliners, chairs and couch. Then I mopped the floor and our motor home gets longer every time I mop it. I don't think it is growing so it must be me. It took me all week but it is a great feeling. So thankful I can still do it.
As you can see it has beeen a busy week.
Received word from home that my only uncle died this week. It is hard when you can't go to the viewing or funeral, but we can't do everything.

I was always taught to respect my elders and now I don't have any to respect we are the elders.
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