Sunday, December 18, 2011

Our flower

The first picture is the first stalk that bloomed, you can see the other stalk. It grew fast just like the first one. You can see it is starting to come out in bloom too. I had to cut the old blooms off, so we now have an ugly stock left.
A juvenile whooping crane fitted with a radio transmitter died last monday at the Aransas National Wildlife Refuge. It is the first mortality since the 23 died from the drought. The dead bird was sent to the National Wildlife Health Center in Madison Wisconsin where it will be examined for cause of death. They travel 2400 miles from Canada to the coastal bend area where we are located. The cranes have teetered on the brink of distinction since 1940 when there were only 16 of them. The drought has depleted the blue crab population, this is what they feed on.
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